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ldka;djka ì<s.kakd i,a,d, lmqjd 
^ryis.; ùäfhda iys;hs&

tÈfkod Ôú;fha .egÆ ksrdlrKh lr .ekSu i|yd fkdfmfkk n,fõ. miqmi hEug wfma rfÜ fndfyda ldka;djka mqreÿj isákjd' kuq;a" we;eï úg bka isÿjkafka ;j ;j;a lrorhkag f.dÿre ùughs'

tjeks fkdfmfkk n,fõ. uqjdfjka ldka;djka rjgd ,e.=ïy,a fj; leojdf.k f.dia , wdYjka msßuid.kakd fydr lmqfjl= ysre TV CIA lKavdhfï iQlaIu leurdjg yiqjqkd'

fõhkaf.dv l<f.äfyak m%foaYfha msysgd we;s fï wmQr foajd,hg hk tk ldka;djkag fuys lmqjd , ysxik isÿlrk njg tys .sh ldka;djla ysre TV CIA lKavdhug f;dr;=re fy,sl,d'

weh mjik mßÈ wod, lmqjd wfõYfhka fuka mjqf,a úia;r ish,a, mjik w;r bka wk;=rej ldka;djf.a lkHdNdjh ms<sn|j mjihs' Tyq jeäÿrg;a i|yka lrkafka wehg lkHdNdjh fï jk úg wysñ ù we;s nj;a Tyq iu. tl;= ùfuka th kej; ,nd .ekSug yels nj;ah'

tfia isÿjkafka Tyqf.a YÍrfha we;s iqùfYaIs fnfy;a n,hla ksid hehs mjiñka fudyq ldka;djka uq,dlrkakgo w;s olaIfhls' fï ms<sn|j f;dr;=re fidhd ne,Sug ysre TV CIA lKavdhu ;reKshla fhdod.;a w;r lmqjd yd ;reKsh w;r l;d nyo má.;lrkakg yelshdj ,eî we;'

Tyq mjik we;eï ldrKd udOHhl m%isoaO lsÍugj;a fkdyels wiNH lrKq jk w;r ryis.; ùäfhdaj my;ska krUkak''' 

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