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Harin's vehicle attacked in Hali Ela, many injured
ä,dkaf.a fmdÆ 
yuqodfjka yd,swe<§ 
yßkag m%ydrhla 
^ùäfhda& 20 jkod mej;s W!j m<d;a iNd ue;sjrKfha§ Y%S,kSm fcHIaG Wm iNdm;s yd jdßud¾. yd c, l<ukdlrK weue;s ksu,a isßmd, o is,ajd uy;d ksfhdackh lrk nÿ,a, wdikh Pkao 6098 lskao" úfoaY /lshd m%j¾Ok weue;s ä,dka fmf¾rd uy;d ksfhdackh lrk yd,swe< wdikh Pkao 2796 lskao ikaOdkh mrdchg m;aj we;'

fuu mrdch ùu;a iu. Tjqkaf.a wdOdrlrejka fkdikaiqkaù we;s w;r nÿ,a, yd fudKrd., mYapd;a ue;sjrK m%pKav l%shd we;sù ;sfí' tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfhka W!j m<d;a iNd ue;sjrKhg ;r`. fldg jd¾;d.; ukdm ixLdjla ,nd.;a yÍka m%kdkaÿ uy;d iu`. meñKs msßilg tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdk wdOdrlrejka msßila úiska Bfha ^22&iji yd,swe< § l< myr §ula ksid ;sfokl= ;=jd, ,nd jdyk 6lg w,dN ydks isÿù ;sfí'

yÍka m%kdkaÿ uy;d we;=¿ msßi nKavdrfj, isg nÿ,a, foig meñfKoa§ yd,swe< m%dfoaYSh iNdj bÈßfha isá wud;H ä,dka fmf¾rdf.a wdOdrlrejka msßila Tyq iu`. meñKs jdykj,g myr § we;s w;r bka miq yd,swe< msysá t' cd' m' m<d;a iNd uka;%s chka; lkakka.r uy;df.a mlaI ld¾hd,hgo myr § úkdY lr we;'

fuu .egqu ms<sn| f;dr;=re jd¾;d lsÍug meñKs isri udOHfõ§ pkaok l=remamqwdrÉÑg yd uõìu mqj;amf;a jd¾;dlre wdkkao lgqnq,a, hk udOHhfõÈkago m%ydr t,a,fldg ;sfí' 

myr§u fya;=fjka yÍka m%kdkaÿ uy;d iu`. meñKs jdyk 6lg oeä f,i w,dNydks isÿù we;s w;r isoaêh isÿjQ jydu yÍka m%kdkaÿ uy;d fï ms<sn|j nÿ,a, fmd,sishg meñKs,s lr we;'

tu .egqu isÿjQ wjia:dfõ ùäfhda my;ska' 

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