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Namal can become a “dancing star” - Minister Dilan
kdu,ag vdkaiska iagd¾
fjkak mq¿jka
- weu;s ä,dka

kdu,a rdcmlaIg fí%la vdkaia odkak mq¿jka hehs fyd|g Tmamq l< nj uyud¾. rdcH wud;H ä,dka fmf¾rd uy;d mjihs'

ßhe,sá jevigykl§ kdu,ag vdkaiska iagd¾ flfkla ùug ta wkQj yelshdj we;ehso rdcH wud;Hjrhd Y%S,ksm uQ,ia:dkfha wo miajrefõ meje;s udOH yuqjl§ mejiSh'

mdo hd;%dfõ .sh msßif.a meñKSu;a - yeisÍu;a  folu krl nj o mejiQ ta uy;d zzkdu,a nndzz" zzneis,a nndzz hk wh foaYmd,k jYfhka f.dvkeÕ=fKa Y%S,ksmh ksid nj;a" tu ia:dkfha§ we;euqka yeisreKq wdldrh .ek lk.dgqjla iy flaka;shla we;ehso lshd isáfhah'

udOH yuqj weu;= ëjr wud;H uyskao wurùr uy;d mejiqfõ fld<Ug ñ,shkhla f.akjd lshd Tjqka ñ,shka fgdalaia ÿka njhs'

wvq ;rñka 25"000laj;a f.ktaug Tjqkag fkdyels jQ nj;a" tod r;= m,iska .sh uyskao rdcmlaI wo ;dr mdf¾  hdu .ek ÿlla we;s nj;a" wjidkfha fï ish,a, n,d isá hQtkamsh oeka fyd| yeá i;=gqù Pkaoh blaukg ;nkakehs lshk nj;a" ta uy;d fmkajdÿkafkah'

udOH yuqjg tlajQ lDIsl¾u wud;H ÿñkao Èidkdhl uy;d mejiqfõ uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d n,f,daNh fjkqfjka fï wdldrhg lghq;= lsÍu wkqu; l< fkdyels njhs'


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