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m%N, N+lïmkhlg
fld<U iQodkï lrhs''

bÈßfha§ we;s úh yels m%n, N+ lïmkhl§ fld<U msysá f.dvke.s,sj, Tfrd;a;=§fï yelshdj yd .s,dneiSfï m%jk;d ms<sn|j fidhdne,Sug fïjk úg mÍlaIKhla isÿlrñka mj;S'

bkaÈhdj yd ´iafÜ%,shdj w;r N+ lïmk ;eáhla ks¾udKh fjñka mj;sk njg N+ úoHd{hska úiska lrK ,o wk;=re weÕùula ksid fuh isÿ lrkq ,nhs'

;ju;a th isÿj fkdue;s jqjo" tu N+ ;eáh Y%S ,xldjg lsf,da óg¾ 750la muK ÿßka yd bkaÿkSishdjg lsf,daóg¾ 2500lg jvd ÿßka ks¾udKh jkq we;ehs Wml,amkh lr ;sfí'

fld<U N+ñfha ia;dhs;dj ms<sn|j isÿflfrk wod< mÍlaIKh cd;sl f.dvke.s,s yd m¾fhaIK ixúOdkfha kdhhdï iólaIK yd wjodkï l<ukdlrK wxY m%OdkS wd¾'tï'tia' nKavdr uy;df.a m%Odk;ajfhka isÿ flfrk njo mejfia'

flfiajqjo wod< mÍlaIKh jir foll muK ld,hl isg isÿ flfrk nj;a" th läkï lsÍug fïjk úg mshjr f.k we;s nj;a jd¾;d fõ'

fï m¾fhaIKhg N+ úoHd m¾fhaIK wdh;kh i;= NQ lïmkh ukskq ,nk m%n, WmlrK ;=kla oekg ia:dmkh lr we;s nj;a" tfiau fï i|yd le,sf*dakshd úYajúoHd,fha iyho ,efnk nj;a jd¾;d fõ'

fï w;r Y%S ,xldjg lsf,daóg¾ oyhla muK my<ska kj N+ p,k ks¾udKh fjñka mj;sk nj;a" N+lïmk ksid l`ÿlr m%foaYj, mdIdK ;Ügq u; we;s mia nqre,aùfï ;;a;ajhla we;s úh yels nj;a tu ia:dk kdhhEfï ;¾ckhg ,laúh yels nj;a fmardfoKsh úYaj úoHd,fha N+.¾N úoHd wxYfha fcHIaG uydpd¾h w;=< fiakdr;ak uy;do mjihs'

fï ksid Y%S ,xldfõ N+ lïmk ;;a;ajhla we;s úh yels njg uydpd¾hjrhd wjOdrKh lf<ah'


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