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fld<U wNsudkh kñka
iu, iekfl,shlg ierfia''
tcdm ;reK n,uKav,h;a yjq,a''
m%n, weu;sf.ka w;ys;''

iu, whs;Ska fjkqfjka fmkS isák cd;Hka;r rdcH fkdjk ixúOdkhla úiska zzfld<U wNsudkhzz kñka iu, ieKfl<shla meje;aùug iQodkï jk nj jd¾;d jkjd'

zzfld<U wNsudkh 2016 ioyd Tnf.a iyNd.s;ajfhka th j¾k .ekaùu ms<snoj wfmalaIdfjka isáuq'zz hehs ioyka lrñka ta ioyd Tjqka fïjk úg;a iudccd, udOH yryd mQ¾j m%pdrl lghq;= wdrïN lr we;s w;r md.uka" fudag¾ r: fm<md,s we;=¿j wÈhr lsysmhlska fuu iu, ieKfl<sh fld<U§ meje;aùug iQodkïjk njhs tys oelafjkafka'

Equal Ground kï rdcH fkdjk wdhkh úiska ixúOdkh lrk fuu ieKfl<sh ioyd uQ,H wkq.%yh imhkafka ol=Kq m<df;ka md¾,sfïka;=jg m;ajQ j;auka rcfha m%n, weu;slula orK iqm%isoaO iu, weu;sjrhd jk w;r wod< ixúOdkfha l%shdldÍ idudðlhka nyq;rhla tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha ;reK n,uKav,h ‍ksfhdackh lrk wh fjhs'

iu, fiajkh iudc iïu;h úiskao ms<sl=< lrk wiïu; ÿrdpdrhla f,i ie<flk w;r th Y%S ,dxlSh ixialD;sh iy w.hkago bÿrdu mgyeKs iy kS;sh u.skao ;ykï jk jHdNspdrhls' wod, ixúOdkh iy wud;Hjrhd m%uqL iu, lKavdhu úiska weußldkq wdOdr iys;j ,xldj ;=< iu,;ajh m%p,s; lsÍu ioyd iufha l%shdldÍj lghq;= l< w;r fï jk úg rdcH n,fhka ikakoaO jQ Tjqka iu,;ajh ,xldj ;=< kS;s.; lsÍu ioyd mq¿,a fufyhqula Èh;a lr we;'

iu, fiajkh rg ;=< m%p,s; fjñka mj;sk njg iufha fi!LH wxY mjd wk;=re w.jd ;snqKq w;r ta fya;=fjka taâia jHdma;sho iS>%fhka by< f.dia we;s nj ixLHdf,aLK j,ska fy<sorõ lr ;sìKs'

Y%S ,dxlsl ixialD;sh jkiñka" fi!LH yd idudÔh .eg¿ rdYshlg u. mdoñka kgk fï wYaYS, ú.vu zzfld<U wNsudkhzz jkafka flfiaoehs fï iïnkaOfhka woyia oelajQ isú,a ixúOdk lsysmhla m%Yak lr isá;s' úIu iu,;ajh m%p,s; lrñka isÿlrkakg hk ixialD;sl yd iudc jHikhg tfrysj isú,a ixúOdk tluq;=jla úiska jevms<sfj,la ixúOdkh flfrñka mj;sk njg lreKq jd¾;d jk w;r fndfyda ÿrg fuu ieKfl<sh w;r;=r iu,sx.slhka yd isú,a ixúOdk w;r .egqula ks¾udKh ùug bv we;'

iu, ieKfl<sfha f*ianqla m%pdr fu;kska''

iu, ieKfl<sfha mQ¾j oekaùï lsysmhla my;ska''



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