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wejkaÜ.dâ kefõ .sks wú
wo Èkfha kdúl yuqod Ndrhg''
ish,a, idlaIs iys;j wo rgg
fy<s lrkjd
- wejkaÜ.dâ wêm;s fïc¾
ksYaYxl fiakdêm;s

wejka.dâ iud.u i;=j ;snQ .sks wú ish,a, wo kdúl yuqodj Ndrhg  .kakd nj  kdúl yuqodj lshhs'

wejka.dâ iud.u iy rch w;r ishÆ .súiqï wj,x.= lr tys fufyhqï Y%S ,xld kdúl yuqodjg mejÍug ckdêm;sjrhd Bfha .kq ,enQ uQ,sl mshjr wkQj fuu l%shdud¾.h .kakd nj kdúl yuqod udOH m%ldYl lms;dka wl%u wf,ú uy;d mjihs'

ta wkQj .dÆ jrdfha kex.+rï,d we;s kefõ nyÆïj, we;s wú wdhqO olaIsK kdúl yuqod l|jqrg /f.khdug wfmalaId lrk nj ta uy;d lshhs'

fï i|yd wdrlaIl wud;HxYfha fukau wdrlaIl f,alïjrhdf.a ksfhda. ,eî we;ehs o Tyq mjihs'

wejkaÜ.dâ fk!ldfõ hqo WmlrK fld;rï ixLHdjla ;sfíoehs ksYaÑ;j lsj fkdyels njo ta uy;d lshhs'

u;fíohlg ,laj we;s wejkaÜ.dâ fk!ldj iïnkaO l;d ny ÿrÈ. hdfï m%;sM,hla f,i tys fufyhqï lghq;= kdúl yuqodjg mejÍug ckdêm;sjrhd mshjr .;a nj leìkÜ m%ldYl rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d Bfha mejiSh'

fï w;r wejkaÜ.dâ  isÿùu iïnkaOfhka ‍úfYaI fy<sorõ lsÍula wo Èkfha udOH yuqjla mj;ajñka isÿlrk nj wejkaÜ.dâ fußghsï i¾úiia m%hsjÜ ,sñgâ  mjihs'

tu iud.fï wêm;s ksYaYxl fiakdêm;s uy;d mjikafka wo^13& fmrjrefõ fuu úfYaI yuqfõ§ idlaIs iys;j lreKq /ila wkdjrKh lrk njhs'

Bfha Èkfha ckdêm;sjrhd iu. fuu isoaêh iïnkaOfhka ;SrK .ekSu i|yd /iajqKq lñgqj .kq ,enQ ;SrK yd lrkq ,enQ idlÉPdj ms<sn|jo ;u woyia m<lsÍug kshñ; nj Tyq jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfhah'


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