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Y‍%s,ksmh mdjd fkdÿka
kdhlhkag fï whjehg
mla‍I fjkak nE''
tcdmh tod ish¿ foam<
úl=K,d lk tl ;j ÿrg;a
bÈßhg lrf.k hkak yokafka''

fujr bÈßm;a l< whjeh ish¨ fokdg myr jeÿKq whjehla ñi iykhla ,enqKq whjehla fkdjk nj ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d mjikjd' ish¿ iyk ,dnd§ we;af;a úfoaYslhkag yd Okm;s mka;shg nj;a fyf;u wjOdrKh lf<ah'

u;=.u iqo¾Ykdrdu uyd úydria:dkfha Bfha meje;s wd.ñl W;aijhlg tlafjñka ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhd jeäÿrg;a i|yka lf<a whjefha m%;sM, ;j;a udi lsysmhla .; jk úg rfÜ ck;djg oek .ekSug yels jkq we;s njhs'

Y‍%S ,xld ksoyia mla‍Ih w;yer nKavdrkdhlm‍%;sm;a;sh rlsk kdhlhkag kï 2016 jir i|yd md¾,sfïka;=jg bÈßm;a ù we;s whjehg mla‍I úh fkdyels nj ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmla‍I uy;d mjihs'

tysoS jeä ÿrg;a woyia oelajQ ysgmq ckm;sjrhd fufiao mejiSh'

zzfï whjefhka wmsg lrj,d fmkak,d Bg jvd f,dl= iykhla fï rfÜ Okm;s mka;shg ú;rla fkfjhs úfoaYslhkag úfYaI iyk rdYshla ,n,d §,d ;sfhkjd' wms od úfoaYslhkag bvï ,nd .ekSfï whs;sh ;ykï lr,d noaOla wh lr,d ;snqKd' úYd, noaola 100]la' ta noao iïmQ¾Kfhkau wfydais lr,d od,d fï rfÜ bvï ál ´ku úo‍faYslfhl=g .kak mq¿jka fjk wdldrhg mshjr ;n,d ;sfhkjd'

tod tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh b;sydifhau lrmq ish¿ foam< úl=K,d lk tl ;j ÿrg;a bÈßhg lrf.k hkak bÈßm;a lrmq whjehla úÈhg ;uhs uu olskafka'

uu ys;kafka fïl Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha tod b|,u nKavdrkdhl m%;sm;a;s j,g .re lrñka" mlaIh w;ayer,d foaYmd,k kdhlfhdkag" Y%S ,xld ldrfhdkag Tjqkaf.a m%;sm;a;sh wkqj kï fïjg tl. fjkak mq¿jka lula keyezz hehs rdcmlaI uy;d mjid isáfhah'


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