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isßhdkq uqyqfoa reishdkq
yuqod jdä ,d .kS''
ISIS ;‍%ia;hskag wú iemhqu
wvd, fõ''

isßhdj fj; wjYH wú wdhqO ref.k taug wdjrKhla f,i isßhdkq fjrf<a kdúl ndOlhla fh§u i|yd reishdkq kdúl yuqodj fhoùfï yelshdjla mj;sk nj reishdkq rdcH vQudfõ wdrla‍Il lñgq m‍%Odks õ,eÈó¾ fldfudfhfvdõ mjid we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

l¿ uqyqÿ kdúl lKavdhu fï i|yd Ndú;d l< yels nj Tyqf.a woyihs'  isßhdj ;=< kdúl ld,;=jlal= m‍%ydr t,a, lsÍug we;s yelshdj w;yer oud fkdue;s nj mjid we;s fldfudfhfvdõ ;‍%ia; b,lal mj;skafka ld,;=jlal= m%ydrl mrdifhka Tífnys rg wNHka;rfha neúka fï jk úg th i,ld fkdnef,k nj i|yka lr ;sfí'

ngysr isßhdfõ gd¾giays reishdkq kdúl yuqod l|jqrla we;s w;r tu.ska reishdjg uOHOr” uqyqog we;=¿ ùfï wjia:dj ysñfõ'

ñihs, m‍%ydrl fk!ldjla yd äiafg%dahrhla we;=¿ hqO fk!ld 4la fï jk úg kef.kysr uOHOr” uqyqfoa ia:dk.; lr we;'

fï w;r bÈßfha§ reishdkq iafõÉP yuqod Nghska we;=¿ lKavdhula isßhdj ;=< igka i|yd isßhdkq yuqod iu. tlaùfï wjia:djla mj;sk nj reishdkq ks,Odßhl= Wmqgd olajñka bkag¾*elaia mqj;afiajh úiska jd¾;d lrk ,§'

flfiafj;;a miqj fldfudfhfvdõ Wmqgd oelajQ udOH i|yka lr we;af;a isßhdkq w¾nqofha ljr md¾Yajhla fjkqfjka fyda igka je§ug reishdj úiska trg mqrjeishkag bv ,nd fkdfokq we;s njhs'


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