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weußldkq .=jka hdkd
m‍%jdyk fk!ldj m¾ishdkq
fndlaflka bj;a lr .kS''
bÈß Èk lsysmh ;=< reishdjg
ydks isÿùu werfUkq we;
- weußldkq wdrla‍Il f,alï

hQ'tia'tia ;shfvda¾ rEiafj,aÜ .=jka hdkd m%jdyk fk!ldj m¾ishdkq .,a*a l,dmfhka bj;a lr.ekSug weußldj úiska lghq;= lr we;'

l,dmhg reishdkq m‍%ydrl hdkd meñKSu iu. kHIaál n,fhka C%shd;aul jk ish oejeka; .=jka hdkd m‍%jdyk fk!ldj bj;alr.ekSug weußldj úiska lghq;= lr ;sfí'

2007 jifrka miq .,a*a l,dmh ;=< weußldkq .=jka hdkd m‍%jdyk fk!ldjla fkdue;s m<uq wjia:dj fuhhs'

reishdkq kdúl yuqodfõ leiamshdkq uqyqÿ lKavdhu úiska isßhdfõ ISIS b,lal fj; È.= ÿr m%ydrl lDDia ñihs, 26la t,a, lsÍfuka Èklg miq weußldj úiska fuu ;SrKh .ekSu úfYaI;ajhls'

iema;eïn¾ 30jkod reishdj úiska isßhdj ;=< .=jka m‍%ydr t,a, lsÍu iu. weußldj yd reishdj w;r w¾nqoldÍ ;;ajh W;aikakù ;sfí'

weußldkq yuqod ks,OdÍka mjid we;af;a kdúlhka 5000lg yd .=jka hdkd 65lg muK kjd;eka iemhsh yels ;shfvda¾ rEiafj,aÜ bj;a lr.kq ,enqfõ w¿;ajeähd wjYH;d i|yd njhs'

kuq;a weußldkq .=jka hdkd m‍%jdyk fk!ldjla fkdue;s ùu reishdkqjka úiska fhdod.kq we;s nj úY‍%du,;a weußldkq kdúl yuqod jhsia woañrd,a mSg¾ få,s mjid ;sfí'

ó<.g isÿjk foa fkdokakd ;;ajhl ;sìh hq;=u foh jkafka .=jka hdkd m‍%jdyk fk!ldjla nj Tyq i|yka lr we;'

fï w;r isßhdj ;=< reishdj úiska isÿlrk ueÈy;aùu úiska fudialõ md,kfha ÿ¾j,lu úoyd oelafjk nj weußldkq ckdêm;s n/la Tndud mjihs'

Tyq fï nj mjid we;af;a iSîtia kd,sldfõ ñks;a;= 60 jevigyk yd tlafjñks'

isßhdj ;=< mqákaf.a C%shdldÍ;ajh úiska ueofmrÈ. weußldkq wdêm;Hhg wNsfhda.hla t,a, fkdjk nj;a reishdkq ckdêm;sjrhd isÿlrkafka je/oaola nj;a Tndud mjid ;sfí'

Tyq mjid we;af;a l,dmfha ;ukag isák tlu ñ;=rd /l.ekSu fjkqfjka ;u wd¾:slhg ydks lr.ksñka ish yuqod ueÈy;alsÍug kdhl;ajh hhs lsjfyd;a kdhl;ajh ms<sn| kj w¾: ksrEmKhla §ug isÿjkq we;s njhs'

isßhdj ;=< we;s reishdkq ñ,sgß l|jqr mj;ajd.ekSu i|yd flia .ilska t,a,S we;s ish ñ;=rdf.a wkd.;h fjkqfjka yuqodj fhoùug isÿùu ÿ¾j, nfõ ix{djla nj Tndudf.a woyihs'

isßhdkq rcfha wdrdOkhla u; iema;eïn¾ 30jkod wdrïN l< reishdkq .=jka m‍%ydrj,ska fï jk úgISIS ;‍%ia;jd§kaf.a úOdk uOHia:dk" ikaksfõok uOHia:dk" f;,a yd wdhqO .nvd fukau mqmqrK o%jH ksIamdokd.dr yd mqyqKq l|jqre .Kkdjla úkdY lr oud we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

flfiafj;;a bÈß Èk lsysmh ;=< reishdjg ydks isÿùu werfUkq we;ehs weußldkq wdrla‍Il f,alï weIagka ldg¾ miq.shod i|yka lrk ,§'

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