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reishdkq .=jka m%ydrj,ska miq
isßhdkq yuqod
ISIS ;%ia;hkag tfrys
oejeka; fufyhqula wrUhs''

i;shla mqrd t,a, lrk ,o reishdkq .=jka m%ydrj,ska wk;=rej ;SrKd;aul k.r iy m%foaY .Kkdjla h<s w;am;a lr.ekSfï wruqKska isßhdkq yuqodj oejeka; fufyhqula wdrïN lr we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

isßhdkq yuqod udKav,sl m‍%Odks fckrd,a w,s wíÿ,a,d whQí mjid we;af;a fuu úl,amh jir .Kkdjla mqrd isßhdj i;=j mej;s njhs'

fuu yuqod fufyhqu isÿl< yelsjQfha isßhdkq rchg iyfhda.h ,nd§u i|yd reishdj úiska isÿl< ueÈy;aùu ksid nj fckrd,ajrhd mjid ;sfí'

reishdkq .=jka m‍%ydrj,ska ISIS yd fjk;a lKavdhïj, yelshdjka wvmKù we;s nj Tyqf.a woyihs'

i;shla ;=< reishdkq m‍%ydrl hdkd ISIS b,lal 100lg wêl m‍%udKhla úkdY lr oeuQ w;r isßhdkq ksfhdacH wdrla‍Il wud;H *hsid,a fulavdÙ mjid we;af;a weußldj m‍%uqL ikaOdkh jirla ;=< w;am;a lr.;a oE reishdj úiska i;shla ;=< myiqfjka blaujd .sh njhs'

isßhdkq m‍%dka; .Kkdjl isßhdkq yuqod iSrefjka ;nd we;ehs ñka fmr jd¾;d m<jQ w;r ouialia w.kqjrg lsf,daóg¾ 200la W;=ßka msysgd ydud m‍%foaYfha úYd,;u yuqod fufyhqu Èh;a lr we;ehs mejfia'

ydudys isßhdkq yuqodjka nodod Èkfha§ muKla lsf,daóg¾ 50la bÈßhg f.dia we;s w;r ISIS yd w,a kqiard md,kfha mej;s k.r iy Wmdhud¾.slj jeo.;a l÷lr m‍%foaY .Kkdjla h<s w;am;a lr.ekSug Tjqka iu;aj ;sfí'


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