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,xldjg i,a,s ´kE''
wfka wmj fírd .kak''
uqo,a weu;s Ökfhka h§''

;uka iu. ygf.k we;s fkdukdmhka w;yer iyfhda.h §u i|yd tlajkakehs Y‍%S ,xld rch Ökfhka b,a,d we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

Ök fuda¾kska fmdaiaÜ mqj;am; fj; woyia olajñka uqo,a weu;s rú lreKdkdhl uy;d mjid we;af;a Ökh fj; we;s Kh m‍%udKh Y‍%S ,xldj uqyqK§ isák nrm;, uQ,H w¾nqofha úYd, fldgila njhs' ld,fha we;sjQ hï hï úrilhka w;yer Kh fldkafoais bys,a lrñka tajd oeßh yels ;;ajhg f.k taug iyh fok f,i lreKdkdhl uy;d b,a,d ;sfí'

Kh nr úi|d,ñka forg w;r in|;d hym;a ;;ajhg f.k tau i|yd ,xld rch lemù lghq;= lrk nj Tyq wjOdrKh lr we;'

ckjdß ui§ uyskao rdcmla‍I rch fmr<d oeófuka wk;=rej Ök-Y‍%S ,xld in|;d m¿ÿ jQ w;r ffu;s‍%smd, isßfiak ckdêm;sjrhdf.a yd w.ue;s rks,a úC%uisxyf.a iïuq;sjd§ rch úiska rg ;=< C%shd;auljQ Ök jHdmD;s .Kkdjla w;aysgqùu fuhg fya;=úh'

fuu ;;ajh fj; ueÈy;aùu i|yd Ök ksfhdacH úfoaY weu;s ,shq fikañka ,xldjg tùug Ök rch fï ui§ mshjr .kq ,eìKs'

Y‍%S ,xldj w;súYd, uQ,H w¾nqohlg uqyqK § isák w;r fï jif¾§ úfoaY Kh m‍%udKh o< cd;sl ksIamdÈ;h fuka 94]la olajd by< k.skq we;ehs .Kka n,d ;sfí'

fuu ;;ajh hgf;a iDcq úfoia wdfhdack ,nd.ekSug Ök ueÈy;aùu w;HjYH ù we;ehs mejfia'

uQ,dY‍%h - fu;kska''


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