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weußldkq hymd,k frÈ .e,fõ''
reishdjg tfrysj weußldj whs'tia'
igkaldókag .=jkska wú ouhs''
ùäfhda iys;hs''

isßhdkq igkaldó lKavdhï i|yd weußldj m%uqL cd;Hka;r ikaOdkh úiska .=jkska wú f;d. ìu fy<Sug lghq;= l< nj weußldkq uOHu úOdkfha m‍%ldYl l¾k,a meá‍%la rhsv¾ mjid we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

Tyq mjid we;af;a ISIS ;‍%ia;jd§kag tfrysj igka jÈk lKavdhï j,g iyh m<lsÍu i|yd bßod Èkfha§ W;=re isßhdjg fuu wú f;d. fy¨ njhs'

fï w;r l=vd .sks wú m;frdï f;d. jQ nj l¾k,ajrhd mjid ;sfí'

ku fy<s fkdl< weußldkq yuqod ks,Odßhl= wefidaisfhagÙ *‍%dkaia fm%ia fj; fy<s lr we;af;a wú yd m;frdï fgdka 50la muK fuf,i .=jkska isßhdkq igkaldókag ,nd§ug lghq;= lr we;s njhs'

weußldj úiska fufyhjkq ,nk uOHia: igkaldóka i|yd fuf,i wú ,ndÿka nj rhsv¾ mjid we;' isßhdkq rchg tfrysj igka jeo isák ;‍%ia;jd§kag tfrysj reishdkq .=jka m‍%ydr wdrïN lr foi;shlska wk;=rej weußldj úiska fuu mshjr .ekSu úfYaI;ajhls'

weußldkq wdOdr ,nk igkaldó lKavdhïo reishdkq .=jka m‍%ydr úiska b,lal flfrk nj;a Tjqka i|yd wLKavj iyh ,ndfokafka flfiao hkak ms<sn|j weußldj úms<sir ;;ajhl miqjk nj;a wdrxÑ ud¾. wkdjrKh lr ;sfí'

widoa rch fmr<doeóu i|yd 2013 isg iS'whs'ta ixúOdkh isßhdj ;=< igkaldó lKavdhï mqyqKq lrñka iy wú ,ndfoñka isà'


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