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reishdkq .=jka m%ydrj,ska
ISIS wkd:hs''
nr jdyk iy WmlrK
nyq;rhla lïuq;=hs''
wú ysÕh nrm;,hs''

reishdj úiska t,a, lrk .=jka m‍%ydr fya;=fjka ISIS ixúOdkh Ndú;d lrñka isá wú yd WKav úYd, m‍%udKhla fï jk úkdY ù f.dia we;ehs reishdkq wdrla‍Il wud;HdxYh mjihs'

Üúg¾ mKsjqvhla u.ska Tjqka mjid we;af;a ISIS ys WKav" nr jdyk iy WmlrK nyq;rhla fï jk úg úkdY lr oud we;s njhs'

ydud yd fydïia m‍%dka;hkaj,ska .‍%yKh l< ikaksfõokhka u.ska igkaldó lKavdhï l=vd .sks wú yd f.%fkÙ wú i|yd wjYH WKav ys.hlska fmf<k nj wkdjrKh ù we;ehs reishdkq wdrla‍Il wud;HdxY m‍%ldYl bf.da¾ fldkfIkafldõ mjid ;sfí'

Tyq mjid we;af;a kqÿre wkd.;fha§ ;uka fj; iemhqï fkd,enqKfyd;a ;u lKavdhï igka ìfuka bj;a lr.kakd njg we;eï wKfok ks,OdÍka úiska ISIS kdhl;ajhg ;¾ckh lsÍug mjd mgkaf.k we;s njhs'

wú m‍%jdykh i|yd fhdod.kakd lerjEka r: fï jk úg i;=j fkdue;s nj;a Tjqka  ´*a frdaÙ r: lKavdhï Ndú;d lr rd;‍%sfha§ igka ìï fj; wjYH iemhqï f.khñka isák nj;a m%ldYljrhd fy<s lr we;'

reishdkq .=jka m‍%ydrj,ska isÿjQ úkdYh fya;=fjka rlald m‍%dka;fha isg igkaldó lKavdhïj,g WKav yd bkaOk m‍%jdykh i|yd ;uka i;= ish¨u iïm;a fhdod.ekSug ISIS ixúOdkhg isÿù we;s njo fldkfIkafldõ mjid ;sfí'


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