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ux fudkj;a fï rgg lr, kE''
lr, ;sfhkafk wmrdO ú;rhs
- uyskao

fg,sfldï tfla iNdm;s Wfoa rdcldßhg hkfldg thdf.a mqgqfõ fjk flfkla‌ jdä fj,dÆ''

nrm;, jxpd ¥IK ms<sn| ckm;s fldñiu yuqjg Bfha Èkfha le|jd ;snQ ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmla‍I uy;d bka msg;aj hk fudfydf;a udOH weu;=fõ fufiah'

uy uQ,H jxpdjla‌ lr we;s njg fpdaokd lr,d ta .ek úu¾Ykhg ug wo tkak lsh,d ;snqKd' whs'à'tka' tfla oekaùï m< lr,d' uqo,a f.j,d kE lsh,d' tal ug wod< kE' mla‍Ih j.lshkak ´fka'

wms rgg fudl=;au lf<a ke;s wmrdO ú;rla‌u lrmq wh úÈhg i,ld fï rch fjk fudl=;au fkdlr udi 9 la‌ ;sia‌fia foaYmd,k m<s.ekSï lrkjd hEhs ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmla‍I uy;d m%ldY lf<ah'

uyd mßudK uQ,H jxpd ckdêm;s úu¾Yk fldñiu yuqfõ idla‍Is §ug Bfha ^15 od& nKa‌vdrkdhl wkqia‌urK cd;Hka;r iïuka;%K Yd,djg meñK bka msgj hk wjia‌:dfõ§ udOH wu;ñka uyskao rdcmla‍I uy;d fï nj m%ldY lf<ah' tys§ Tyq fufiao lSfõh'

wfma rfÜ yuqod m%OdkSka y;rfokdf.kau m%Yak lrkjd' fï rcfha jir mygu fï m%Yak bjr fjkafka ke;s fjhs' .; jQ udi kjhgu rch lr,d ;sfhkafka wmsg fpdaokd lrñka foaYmd,k m<s.ekSï lsÍuhs' fï whg fjk jevla‌ kE'

ñ,shk 2 1$2 l i,a,s wÉpq .ykjd' tajd lrk .uka ug ,smshla‌ tj,d wy,d ;sfhkjd mqrmamdvq ke;sj mqoa.,hka m;a lf<a fldfyduo lsh,d' fï rch m;a fj,d w.ue;s flfkla‌ m;a lf<a mqrmamdvq ;sì,o@ w.úksiqre m;a lf<a mqrmamdvq ;sì,o'

fg,sfldï tfla iNdm;s Wfoa rdcldßhg hkfldg thdf.a mqgqfõ fjk flfkla‌ jdä fj,dÆ' ta ljqo lsh,d weyqjdu uu ;uhs wÆ;a iNdm;s lsh,d' fï rch wmsg fpdaokd lrñka jev lrkafk tfyuhs'


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