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Y%S ,xld w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy cmdkfha úfYaI ks, ixpdrhl fh§ isáh§" úfoaY wud;H ux., iurùr uq,a Èk lsysmh ;=w,a thg iyNd.s fkdùu wjOdkhg md;% ù ;sfí'

ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak iu. ksõfhdala kqjr tlai;a cd;Skaf.a uyd uKav, ieisjdrhg iyNd.s jQ úfoaY wud;Hjrhd bka wk;=rej n%s;dkHhg ,`.d jQ w;r" ,kavka kqjr Èk lsysmhla .; l< Tyq cmdkh n,d msg;aj .sfha i÷odhs'

wud;Hjrhd w`.yrejdod f;dalsfhda kqjrg ,`.d jk úg w.ue;sjrhdf.a ks, ixpdrh fndfyda lghq;= wjikaj ;snQ w;r" Y%S ,xld ¥; lKavdhu nodod h<s Y%S ,xldj n,d msg;aùug kshñ;hs'

wksjd¾hfhkau Y%S ,xld ¥; uKav,hl m%Odku idudðlhl= úh hq;= úfoaY wud;Hjrhd" w.ue;sjrhdf.a ixpdrhg wjidk fudfydf;a tlajQfha wehs@

uy ue;sjrKfhka wk;=rej w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy ish m<uq ks, ixpdrh i|yd bkaÈhdj f;dard .;a wjia:dfõ" bkaÈhdj iïnkaOfhka úfoaY wud;HxY ks,OdÍka ,nd ÿka miqìï f;dr;=re jd¾;dj w.ue;sjrhdf.a úfõpkhg ,laúh'

ta úfõpkh úfoaY wud;H ux., iurùro wkqu; l< neúka th wud;Hjrhdf.a l%shdl,dmh úfõpkh lsÍula f,iska ie,lsh fkdyel'

bka wk;=rej ðkSjd kqjr tlai;a cd;Skaf.a udkj ysñlï uKav,hg wefußld tlai;a ckmoh bÈßm;a l< Y%S ,xldj iïnkaO kj;u fhdackd flgqïmf;a wka;¾.;h ms<sn|j ;dkdm;s rúkd: wd¾hisxy oela jQ m%;spdrh ms<sn|j t;rï m%idohla fkdoelajQ w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy wod< flgqïmf;a j.ka;s ixfYdaOkh lsÍu msKsi fm!oa.,slju ueÈy;a jQ njhs" ikafâ ghsïia mqj;am; mjikafka'

w.ue;sjrhd iy úfoaY wud;Hjrhd w;r olakg ,efnk úrilh wdrïN jQfha tjla mgkao@

b;d úYajdi lghq;= wdrxÑ ud¾. mjik wdldrhg Bg i;s lsysmhlg l,skau wdKavqfõ n,j;=ka w;r úrilhla u;=fjñka mej;sk'

úfYaIfhkau uy ue;sjrKfhka wk;=rej w.ue;sjrhdf.a iy ckdêm;sjrhd f.a ld¾h uKav,fha we;eï ks,OdÍkaf.a wdl,am ms<sn|j wud;H ux., iurùr ;rul l,lsÍulska miqjk njhs wkdjrKh fjkafka'

úfYaIfhkau úfoaY wud;H moúh ;ukag ysñúh hq;= njg Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIh uq,§ oeä ia:djrhl isá nj;a" tu moúh wfmalaIdfjka isá ysgmq wud;Hjrhl= ue;sjrKfhka mrdch ùu yuqfõ tu ia:djrh fjkia lr.ekSug Y%S,ksmhg isÿ jQ nj;a úYajdi flf¾'

ckdêm;sjrhd iy w.ue;sjrhd wNsnjd lemS fmkSug úfoaY wud;Hjrhd W;aidy lrk njg u;jdohla me;srùug we;eï ks,OdÍka W;aidy l< kuq;a" tu fpdaokdj wi;Hhla nj ikd; lsÍu Wfoid wud;H iurùr m%n, W;aidyhl fhÿkq nj;a wdrxÑud¾. mjihs'

fï w;r ;ju;a rdcmlaI md,khg ,eÈ úfoaY wud;HxYfha we;eï fcHIaG ks,OdÍka ish wdKavqfõ lghq;= is;du;du wvmk lsÍfï l%shdoduhl ksr;j isák nj w.ue;sjrhdf.a u;h ù ;sfnk nj;a ikafâ ghsïia mqj;am; mjihs' flfia kuq;a th úfoaY wud;Hjrhdg tfrys úfõpkhla fkdjk njhs" mqj;am; wjOdrKh lrkafka'

ta w;ru w.%dud;H ld¾hd,fha lghq;= fufyhjk" w.ue;sjrhdf.a iómu i.hl= jk wud;H id., r;akdhl ud;r Èia;%slalfha ukdm fmdrfha§ úfoaY wud;Hjrhdf.a m%;sjdÈhl= ùu ;;ajh ixlS¾K lsÍug ;=vq § ;sfnk ;j;a idOlhla nj ie,fla'


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