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Apr 28
{dkidr ysñ uyskaog
m;=re hkak neK j§''
l=uka;%Khla kï ;j;a
jir folla ;sìh§
b,a,f.k lEfõ wehs@

ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d mer§fuka miqjo kej; kej;;a jerÈ mdf¾u .uka lrkafkakï ;udg l< yels fohla fkdjk nj fndÿn, fiakd ixúOdkfha uyf,alï mQcH .,f.dvw;af;a {dkidr ysñ mjihs'

ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhd m%xY mqj;a fiajhg woyia olajñka fndÿn, fiakd ixúOdkh" ngysr iu. tl;=ù ;udj mrdch lrkakg lghq;= l< njg mjid we;s j. Wkajykafia isysm;a lf<ah'

tfia ngysr iu. l=uka;%K mej;sfha kï ;udf.a ks, ld,h ;j;a jir folla ;sìh§ b,a,ka lEfõ ukaoehs {dkidr ysñ m%Yak lrkq ,enqfõ wo ^28& fld<U mej;s udOH yuqjl§h'

uyskao .ek is;k úg fkdyslauqKq rfcl= ms<sn| ;ukag fï fudfydf;a isysm;a jk nj;a"uyfika rcq lf,l WoaOÉP lñka hq;=j rdcrdc uydud;Hd§ka"mqfrdays;hka fok Wmfoila ms<sfkdf.k w;a;fkdau;slj lghq;= lroa§ Tyq <`.u isá fikam;sfhl= hqo m%ldY l< nj;a {dkidr ysñ isysm;a lf<ah'

ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;do tlS fikam;s f,i l%shd l< wfhl= nj Wkajykafia fuys§ meyeÈ,s lf<ah'

tfia jqjo fndÿn, fiakd ixúOdkhg l=uk wj,dohla ke.=jo rg fírd.;a kdhlhd f,i uyskao rdcmlaI uy;dg ieuod .re lrk nj {dkidr ysñ fmkajd ÿkafkah'

j;= lrfha fou< ckhd l=uk m%Yak ;snqK;a f;dKavudkaf.a kdhl;ajhg .relrk nj;a" isxy, wmg tjeks kdhlfhl= fkdue;s nj;a tysñhka wjOdrKh lf<ah'

ñka bÈßhg fndÿn, fiakd ixúOdkh lsisÿ mlaIhl kdhlhska fjkqfjka fmkS fkdisák nj;a";reK mrïmrdjg ;uka flfrys ;enQ úYajdih bÈßhg;a ;nd.kakd f,i n,lrk nj;a Wkajykafia lshd isáfhah'

iuyrúg foaYmd,k mlaI kdhlfhl= njg m;aù bÈßfha§ meñfKkakg n,dfmdfrd;a;=jk nj;a" th fï ue;sjrKfha§ isÿfõo B<`. ue;sjrKfha§ isÿfõo hkak oekau lsj fkdyels nj;a {dkidr ysñ wjOdrKh lf<ah'

;udg biair pïmsl rKjl jeks ñksiaiq ysáh;a" ta wh fjkila tlal fjkia ù we;s nj;a" isxy, cd;sh yd nqoaOd.u *qÜ fnda,hla f,i f.k fi,a,ï lrk whg kej; tjekakla lrkakg bvfkd§ tlS wvqj mqrjk nj;a Wkajykafia jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfhah'

-wo forK-

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Gnanasara, machan chande illamuda, mepara.
Gnanasaara moda pissek.
GalaUdaRenaGandaya's avatar

GalaUdaRenaGandaya · 515 weeks ago

Athi yantham ita passewath ganda nogassa peththakata wela hitaiyanam
Reverend Sir, Now you are right path. Don't go behind politicians like Mr. Mahinda whose aim is to regain the power by hook or by crook . And it is vital to be independent and please contest at the next election for Buddhist people. you are much needed to represent the parliament. Also, I agree to the fact that Mr. Mahinda was defeated because of his sort-sighted decisions Namely: Casino bill, 18th amendment , Imprisonment of Mr. Fonseka, Rathupaswala case, poor foreign policy and so forth

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