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Sep 19

True story behind of cuts energy price after start of Chinese funded -
úÿ,s ì, wvqlsßfuka 
ÿmam;dg fl,j,d

jeä úÿ,shla mßfydackh lrñka wêl úÿ,sì,la f.jk fmdfydi;dg;a wvq úÿ,s mßfydackhla we;s w.fhka wvq úÿ,s ì,la f.jk ÿmam;df.;a tlu m%;sY;hlska úÿ,s ì, wvq lsÍu u.ska isÿ lr we;af;a ÿmam;dg jvd fmdfydi;dg jeä iyKhla ie<iSu nj cd;sl úÿ,s mdß jHhdmdrh mjihs'

cd;sl úÿ,s mdß jHhdmdrh ksl=;a l, ksfõokh my; oelafõ

ckdêm;s úÿ,shg ÿka iyKh ÿmam;dg ÿka ienE iyKhla o@

Ök ckdêm;sjrhdf.a YS‍% ,xld ixpdrh;a iu`. fu.fjdÜ 900l uq¿ Odß;dfjka hq;a fkdrÉfpda, .,a w`.=re n,d.drh n, .kajñka ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d ish¿ úÿ,s mdßfNda.slhkaf.a úÿ,s ì,a m;a j,ska ishhg úis myla wvq lrk neõ m‍%ldY lf<ah' Bg wu;rj Nqñf;,a" ãi,a iy fmÜr,a ñ< o iq¿ jYfhka wvq lf<ah' iuia; úÿ,s ìf,ka ishhg 25 la wvq lr bÈß udifha isg ì,am;a ksl=;a lrk neõ úÿ,sn, uKav,fha iNdm;s bka wk;=rej udOHhg mjid ;sfí' flfia fj;;a úÿ,sn, lafIa;‍%fha kshduk wdh;kh jk uyck Wmfhda.s;d fldñIu fï ms<sn| ;ju;a ks, ksfõokhla ksl=;a lr ke;'

;ukag oeßh fkdyels úÿ,s ì,la f.jñka isá mdßfyda.slhdg ckdêm;sf.a fuu iyKh wiajeis,a,la jqjdg lsisÿ iella ke;' iykh ne¨ ne,aug ldg;a fmdÿfõ ÿka tlla neõ fmfKa' tfy;a jeä úÿ,shla mßfydackh lrñka wêl úÿ,sì,la f.jk fmdfydi;dg;a wvq úÿ,s mßfydackhla we;s w.fhka wvq úÿ,s ì,la f.jk ÿmam;df.;a tlu m‍%;sY;hlska úÿ,s ì, wvq lsÍu u.ska isÿ lr we;af;a ÿmam;dg jvd fmdfydi;dg jeä iyKhla ie<iSuh' 

.,a w`.=re n,d.drh fu.fjdÜ 900 hq;a uq¿ Odß;dfjka moaO;shg iñnkaO lsÍug yels jqjfyd;a rfÜ úÿ,s b,a¨fuka ishhg 55 la muK .,a w`.=re n,d.drfhka iemhsh yelsh' jeis wvq ;;ajhla hgf;a jqj;a c, úÿ,sh ishhg 25 la yd mqk¾ckkSh ^iq<x" l=vd c, úÿ,s n,d.dr& úÿ,sfhka ishhg 10 la ,nd .;fyd;a ñ< wêl oeúf;,a yd ãi,a n,d.dr u.ska ,nd.; hq;= jkafka ishhg 10 muK iq¿ m‍%udKhla muKs' fï wkqj ishhg 60 la muK f;,a u; hefmk úÿ,s ckkh wvq lsÍu hkq úÿ,s ì,g tl;= lr we;s bkaOk .e,mqï .dia;=j o ksis C%u fõohlg wkqj wvq lsÍug yels jkq we;'

oekg úÿ,sn, uKav,h bkaOk .e,emqï .dia;=j u.ska muKla remsh,a ì,shk 34 la jd¾Islj Wmhd .kakd w;r tu wdodhu ì,shk 6 g muK wvq l< yels úoHd;aul C%ufõohlg fuu wvq lsÍu l< yelsh'

ta i|yd tall 180 wvqfjka úÿ,sh Ndú;d lrk ish¿u .Dyia: mdßfNda.slhkaf.a úÿ,s ì,g tl;= lr we;s bkaOk .e,mqï .dia;= bj;a l< yelsh' tkï tall 90-180 w;r ish¿ fokdg ishhg 40 l wvq ùula ,efí' tall 90 g wvq mßfNdackhla we;s msßig ishhg 25 l wvq ùula wfmalaId l< yelsh' tall 180 isg 300 la olajd mßfNdackh lrk .Dyia: mdßfNda.slhkag ishhg tu .e,mqï .dia;=j ishhg 40 isg 25 olajd wvqfldg ishhg 15 l iykhla ,nd Èh yel' 

tall 300 g jeä msßig ishhg 5 l wvq ùula ,nd Èh yel' l¾udka; i|yd fok Èß .ekaùula f,i tu lafIa;‍%hg n,mdk ishhg 25 bkaOk .e,mqï .dia;=j o bj;a l< yel' jdksc yd fydag,a lafIa;‍%fha ishhg 25 jq tu .e,mqï .dia;=j ishhg 10 g wvq l< yel' fuu.ska ì,shk 6 g wdikak wdodhula bkaOk .e,mqï .dia;= f,i ,xùu g Wmhd .; yels jkq we;' úÿ,sh wrmsßueiafuka mdúÉÑ lrk mdßfyda.slhdg Èß §ula ,efnk w;r kdia;sldr mßfNdaclhdg ixrlaIKhg bka n,mEula o we;s jkq we;'

uqo,a wud;Hdxyfha Wmfoia u; ckdêm;s ÿka iyKh ksid úÿ,s n,uKav,hg remsh,a ì,shk 55 l muK uqo,la wysñ jk w;r fkdrÉfpda,fha .,a w.=re ckkh ld¾hlaIu lsÍug ,xùug ñka wksjd¾h n,mEula we;s ù we;' th tfia isÿ fkdjqfKd;a ,xùfï mdvqj uyd NdKavd.drh u.ska oeÍug;a th h<s ÿmam;a mdßfyda.slhd u; megùug;a fya;= jqj fyd;a ,efnk iyKhla ke;'

.,a w.=re n,d.drh n,.ekaùu;a f;,a ñ, my; oeóu;a w;r Rcq iïnkaOhla fkdue;s jqj;a fuu iyK ,nd§u n,Yla;s lafIa;‍%h yd tys widOdrK ñ< iq;‍%hka ms,sn|j uE; ld,fha we;s jq wdkafoda,kfha m‍%;sM,hla o úh yel' nkaÿ, pkao%fialr

WmfoaYl - cd;sl úÿ,s mdß jHdmdrh


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