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Josie Cunningham sells tickets to watch her give birth live and also on SKYPE
ore Wm; uyck m%o¾Ykhg
álÜ ish,a, úlsŒ wjika 
jeoEuy jeäu b,a¨‍ug úlsKSug

l,la .‚ldjla j isg ckm%sh ksrEmK Ys,ams‚hl jQ 24 yeúßÈ ˜‍fcdais lkskayeï˜‍ ish l=fia isák orejd ìys lrk wjia;dj wka;¾cd,h Tiafia úlskSug ie,iqï fldg we;' 

weh fuhg fmr jvd;a m%p,s; jQfha ksremsldjla ùug fjr ord lD;Su f,i wehf.a mshhqre úYd, lr.ekSu iïnkaOjh' 

weh ;udf.a ore Wm; i,a,s fydhk W,am;la lrf.k we;s w;r ore Wm; újyaodldrfhka úlskSug fïjkúg;a lghq;= fhdod ;sfí' 

tys ñ, wêlu wjia;dj jkqfha wehg ore Wm; isÿjk wjia:dfõ wehf.a we| wi, fjka lrkq ,enQ wdikhs' 

fujka wdik y;rla we;s w;r tla wdikhla wf,ú lrkq ,nkqfha mjqï 30"000 l uqo,lghs' tu wdikh ñ,§ .;a mqoa.,hdg wef.a ore Wm; isÿjk wjia:dfõ ta wi, isg th keröug wjia;dj ysñfõ' 

tu wdik y;rg wu;rj  mjqï 200 ne.ska állaÜ m;a 50 la wka;¾cd,fha weh úl=Kkq ,nkafka wef.a ore Wm; iÔù f,i ialhsma Tiafia úldYh lsÍu i|ydh' 

thskao fkdkej;S orejd ìysjQ miq ish jeoEuy jeäu b,a¨‍ug úl=Kd oeóugo fuu ksrEmsldj ;Srkhfldg ;sfí' 

wef.a fuu álÜ m;a j,g fyd| b,a¨‍ula ,eî we;sw;r wef.a we| wi, wdik y;ru úlsŒ f.dia ;sfí' 

wka;¾cd,h ;=, 50 fofkl=g álÜ wf,ú lsÍu wdrïN fldg úkdä lsysmhla .;ùug u;af;ka álÜ m;a y;rla úlsŒ we;' 

weh Üúg¾ Tiafia úuid ;snqfka weh isÿlrk fuu l%shdj kS;s úfrdaëo hkakhs'


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