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Gang rape of two 14 year old school girls
14 yeúßÈ oeßhka 
fofofkl= iuQy 

14 yejßÈ isiqúhka fofofkl= meyerf.k f.dia ^26& rd;%sh mqrd ÿIKh l< nj lshk ;reKhka mia fokla ms<sn|j mq¿,a mÍlaIK wdrïN lr ;sfí' tu oeßhka w;jrhg ,laj we;af;a W;=re l¿;r uqyqÿ fjrf<a§h'

bkamiq tu m%foaYfha mÈxÑ msßila fuu oeßhka fofokdj 27 od WoEik ld,fha§ l¿;r fmd,sishg Ndr §fuka miqj l¿;r mkdf.dv uy frday,g we;=,;a l< nj W;=re l¿;r fmd,sia ia:dkdêm;s fmd,sia mÍlaIl m%Ydka o is,ajd wêlrKhg jd¾;d lr ;sfí'

mdi,a hk nj mjid bl=;a 25 fjksod ksjiska meñK we;s isiqúhka fydrK k.rfha§ mdi,a ks, we÷ï .,jd idudkH we÷ï we|f.k úfkdao pdßldjl fh§ we;s nj;a wdmiq meñK n,k úg ks, we÷ï i`.jd ;snq ;ek tajd fkd;snqK ksid ksfjia j,g fkdf.dia mdkÿr k.rhg f.dia we;s nj;a fmd,sish wêlrKhg bÈßm;a l< jd¾;dfõ jeäÿrg;a ioykafõ'

mdkÿr uqyqÿ fjr<g f.dia we;s ;reKshka tys isá uqrlrejkaf.a wdrlaIdj hgf;a fjrf<a rd;%sh .; lr we;s nj fmd,sish m%ldY lr ;sfí' 

miqj 26 fjksod iji W;=re l¿;r uqyqÿ fjr<g meñK isáh§ ;%sfrdao r:hlska meñK we;s ;reKhka mia fofkl= n,y;aldrfhka ;reKshka fofokd ,e.=ï y,lg /f.k f.dia ÿIKh lr we;ehs W;=re lÆ;r fmd,sish wêlrKhg boßm;a l< jd¾;dfõ i|yka fõ'

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